BeautyXBracelets - Jan Murphy Makeup January 2017

From Wine Stained Lips, To Powder Perfect Eyelids, The Perfect Color for All Year Long!


Photo Cred: Brandi Grooms Photography

Model: Megan Synarski/Barbizon Red Bank



Often times when we think of a Marsala red (in terms of makeup), it immediately brings to mind thoughts of cooler days and wine stained lips. Although, this is beautiful and at times less intimidating than wearing a full on red lip; why not test your personal boundaries and modernize your look for a night by wearing this color on your eyelids? The red eyeshadow look has been growing in popularity since it was first seen on the runways in Spring 2013. Over the past year many celebrities have been photographed wearing this exact trend. Let’s break this down so it becomes wearable to you.

First off, there are two things we need to take into account. Shade and Shape. Yes, the shade of red you are applying is the key to a successful look but also we as woman need to take into consideration the shape of our eye. This is important to understanding the correct placement of the shadow.

The golden and brownish undertones of the Marsala color is a perfect red for all skin tones. I happen to be obsessed with a loose pigment powder by Ardency Inn called ‘Teddy Boy.’ The beauty of the loose powder is the flexibility in usage for eye, lip, or cheek. Whatever burgundy you choose, try to lean to the warmer tones as much as possible.

Now to the shape. I like to give myself a guideline or road map as to where I am placing the shadow. From the corner of the LOWER lash line I take a eyeliner brush (typically with a grey liner) and draw up towards the end of the eyebrow, but no higher than the fold of the lid. A pencil works just as well if you are not comfortable with a brush.

There are a few things to remember when applying a loose powder to your eyelid. First off you want to use a flatter more condensed brush. The tightness of the hairs allows the product to be picked up and placed more precisely then it would if you were using a fluffier, loose brush. And always remember to tap off any excess before applying to the lid. The first place you place that brush is where the strongest deposit of color will be. Start at the middle of the eye and blend out left and right from there. Try to honor the guideline you placed for yourself

So right now you are seeing red….if this is scaring the daylights out of you, relax! It can be toned down by just buffing in some black liner starting from the tip of the line you drew earlier and bringing it down and into the eyelid just a touch. You may also want to use a rose gold or golden hue shadow on the inside corner to highlight that area and thus softening the red.

Mascara, and lots of it will open the eye and also add the perfect contrast to the red shadow. I also suggest using a CC cream or color correcting any redness you may have in your skin. A nude, glossy lip always looks good with the bold shadow and completes your look beautifully.

On a final note… I do not subscribe to the idea that this color is ‘seasonal.’ I love the idea of the heat of this burgundy to also be worn in warm summer months when the night sky reflects some of these same tones. Inspiration is everywhere!

Special thanks to Brandi Grooms Photography for the beautiful image and also to my gorgeous model Megan Synarski of Barbizon Red Bank!




  Jan is a continually evolving freelance makeup artist and hair stylist experienced in all aspects of beauty. A love affair with color that started at a young age was quickly brought forth and explored through a career that started in graphic design, merged into her own interior design firm and now has evolved into a multifaceted makeup artist, which includes film, print and fashion. A graduate of Make-Up designory, her passion for her craft is routinely seen in her clean applications, fluidity in nature, and attention to detail.